Hello, Friends!
November is Family Literacy Month. It's a special time to put reading and books in the forefront of our family activities.
What does that look like? It looks like...
- Adults reading books, magazines, the back of cereal boxes, road signs, ANYTHING to/with kids
- Adults talking to kids about what the kids are reading
- Adults encouraging kids to think about what they read
- Adults listening to kids read out loud
- Adults providing language-rich environments for their kids (language-rich just means lots of interesting and varied reading material)
- Adults modeling reading to kids (I know you've got a TBR stack somewhere!)
- Adults doing literacy extension activities with kids (after you read a book together, have the child write his or her own story of a similar style or voice, or do a craft that reinforces what they learned, or read another book about the same subject, but maybe nonfiction this time, etc.)
- Adults taking kids to the library (or bookstore) for books, magazines, programs
In short, family literacy is families spending time together with books! What could be better?
Kellie Houx of the Courier-Tribune in Liberty, Missouri, interviewed me for Family Literacy Month. Hope you enjoy her article, linked below. Happy reading!
Choice of books, positive parent modeling keys to family literacy